Family Constellation Workshop | Dublin

November 17, 2024 | 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM | Dublin

In this Family Constellation workshop, you will be invited to release ancestral entanglements to past suffering that affect your health and well-being.  Together we will do two Hellinger Family Constellations with Julie Williams facilitating.  You will also experience guided meditations for opening, and closing the workshop and supercharging your healing.  Leave feeling a greater sense of harmony with a deeper connection to the flow of life, love and happiness.



Discover the transformative power of Family Constellation Work and how it can profoundly enhance your relationships. Rooted in systemic therapy, Family Constellation Work explores the hidden dynamics in families and relationships that may affect your well-being and connection with others. In this experiential workshop, we will dive deep into unresolved emotional patterns that are often passed down through generations, freeing you from negative cycles that hinder intimacy, trust, and emotional clarity.

Julie will open with a guided meditation to access the ancestral soul field to create the container for the workshop while holding the intention for the day in our hearts.  Julie will select a person’s constellation to be set up.  Members of the group will be invited to represent in the constellation.  Witnesses remain seated in the circle, observing their external and internal experiences.  Julie will facilitate the work using movements and phrases guided by the field until a resolution is reached.

Through guided group exercises, role-playing, and personal reflection, participants will have the opportunity to:

Benefits of Attending:

  • Heal generational patterns: Understand and resolve unconscious family dynamics that may be influencing your current relationships.
  • Improve communication: Learn to identify hidden emotional blocks, leading to clearer, more compassionate communication.
  • Deepen connections: Experience greater intimacy and understanding in your relationships with loved ones.
  • Break repetitive cycles: Release long-standing relational patterns that no longer serve you and create space for healthier, more fulfilling relationships.
  • Build self-awareness: Gain insight into your role in family and relationship systems, leading to personal growth and emotional healing.
  • Restore balance and harmony: Shift dysfunctional family energy to create a sense of peace, balance, and harmony within your relationships.

Whether you’re seeking to improve your relationship with a partner, a family member, or even yourself, this workshop offers the opportunity to create lasting change in your relational world.

Who Should Attend: This workshop is for individuals, couples, and families who are interested in deepening their emotional connections, healing relational wounds, and fostering greater understanding within their relationships.

All levels of participation benefit fully from the day.  No prior experience with Family Constellation Work is necessary, just an open mind and a willingness to explore your relationship dynamics.

DATE: Sunday, November 17, 2024

LOCATION: Oscailt Integrative Health Centre, 8 Pembroke Rd., Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.

TIME: 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM


REGISTRATION: Online by adding this to your shopping basket, select the payment amount & complete the purchase.  You will receive an order confirmation email with workshop details.


Julie Williams has been facilitating Family Constellation for almost 20 years and has studied with the leaders in the field including Bert Hellinger, Gunthard Weber, Bertold Ulsamer and others.  She studied at NLP Marin and the Hellinger Institutes of Washington DC and Santa Barbara, California.  Her own life was transformed by this work so profoundly, it inspired her to become a facilitator and runs workshops and retreats worldwide.

Questions?  Email me and ask!


What is Family Constellation Work?  Watch this video to learn more:

Additional information

Workshop Fees

Bring a Friend, Full Fee