Natural Healing Webinar Recording

Consciousness Medicine Webinar and Group Healing recorded September 2022 with Julie Williams.

This voice recording of the live event will take you through the key principles of Consciousness Medicine and allow you to receive a healing transmission to get you unstuck in life and create full health and well-being in all areas of your life.



Consciousness Medicine Webinar and Group Healing, September 2022 with Julie Williams. Learn the key principles of Consciousness Medicine and receive a healing transmission to get you unstuck in life. Through exercises, demonstrations and guided meditations Julie guides you through releasing ancestral entanglements and revise limiting beliefs that cause the experience of not being able to get what you want. You’ll be invited to create your desired state while releasing old conditioning to manifest what you want in life.
Learn Consciousness Medicine principles such as: The Body Matrix, Movements of the Family Soul, Belief and Identity Revision, Energetic Balance and how to harness the power of consciousness to heal.