1 hour ONLINE personal family constellation will allow an in depth exploration into your family soul and role you play in it.
This beautiful and powerful format allows for you to participate in your own healing as we set up a family constellation based on the issue you would like to work with. Julie will choose the most appropriate family constellation format to use for the session (e.g. traditional, issue, manifestation, business or a mix of these). From there you will be witness to the energies behind your family soul and the ancestral entanglements that are holding you back.
Through the session you will be guided to release these entanglements as you welcome in the desired state components of health, harmony and happiness.
The session begins with taking a family history to understand your family of origin’s details and information about past relatives, if it is known. Julie will then set up the constellation using the figurines to work directly with your family soul to release you from the burden you carry for others. She will work through the main movements of the family soul as they pertain to your issue and where you are in your healing journey.
What is Family Constellation Work? What is the full listing of Julie’s qualifications?