Today’s blog is inspired by Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of abundance and prosperity, to help you create alignment and harmony in your life around your money and finances, I’ll weave together ancient wisdom with the modern tools of Consciousness Medicine, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Family Constellations to explore how you can embody Lakshmi’s grace and allow abundance to naturally flow into your life. 

Key Topics include:

    • Prosperity is a holistic state of being through balancing your spiritual, emotional, physical, ancestral and energetic bodies with Consciousness Medicine, Holistic NLP and Family Constellations.
    • The importance of revising limiting beliefs to empowering ones to ipe the flow of prosperity.
    • How your ancestral past can affect your ability to receive abundance in all forms.
    • How to activate the flow of money into your life by balancing the energetic flow of abundance. 
    • Using gratitude as a practice

Lakshmi teaches us that prosperity is not just material wealth, it is a state of being. We also explore this in Consciousness Medicine by looking through the lens of inner balance. When we are aligned with our values, grounded in our truth and connected to the sacred, prosperity ceases to become something we chase instead; it becomes a natural extension of who we are.

Before we begin, take a moment to reflect on what abundance feels like in your body. Where do you sense ease, and where do you sense constriction? Use breath as a tool to soften the constricted spaces, inviting a deeper flow of energy, many of us carry stories about scarcity inherited from our families and our cultures. These stories shape our subconscious beliefs and become invisible barriers to prosperity.

NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming, offers a way to rewrite these limiting stories as we begin by identifying core beliefs around abundance. For example, do you have a belief that you must work hard to deserve money, or does wealth bring guilt or fear of judgment, challenging these limiting beliefs by creating empowering alternatives is so important. For example, some empowering beliefs around money and abundance are Abundance flows to me with ease and grace. And my favourite, I am worthy of receiving and sharing prosperity. You can speak these as affirmations or mantras out loud and supercharge them by visualising Lakshmi’s light filling your heart as you do so, one of the biggest blockages I see around the flow of prosperity as it relates to money are these limiting beliefs.

You can unpack your limiting beliefs around money by thinking back to your parents’ beliefs around money and prosperity, our core beliefs about ourselves and the world are first imprinted from our parents’ influences. So, if you can’t quickly identify your own limiting beliefs, take a moment to reflect on how each of your parents thought about money, finances, saving and earning, and this will give you some deeper insights about your own beliefs and how they might be limiting you.

Now, one thing I’ve learned about money is that it is an energy. It flows in, it gathers, and it flows out. If there are blockages in the flow of prosperity, look at each of these three aspects to identify where you may have limits. For example, does money flow in easily but then flow out in an equal amount, so you have a limited amount in savings or for investments or does money flow in easily, and then it gathers, but there’s fear in spending, and so it never flows out? Or is there a limit with money flowing in, and there seems to be much more flowing out so that you always feel in a deficit?

Lakshmi’s story is one of beauty, devotion and the eternal flow of abundance. As the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and beauty in the Hindu tradition, her narrative reflects the values of. Generosity, balance and the sacred interplay between effort and grace. This is why she’s such a beautiful goddess to call in when you want to change your flow of prosperity, to help bring balance to the flow in the gathering and the flowing out of money that brings well-being, harmony and spiritual richness.

Lakshmi’s story teaches us that prosperity flows naturally when life is in balance, when we have ancestral entanglements that hold us back or limiting beliefs that limit our ability to achieve abundance, we are not in balance and harmony. So, by using Family Constellation work, we can take a look and allow ourselves to reveal how ancestral patterns influence our relationship with abundance. So, for example, when somebody in the family system experiences loss, poverty or exclusion, the flow of prosperity may become disrupted. In a constellation, we honour the struggles of our ancestors while honouring our own life force energy to set down the burden that we carry for others and be able to receive abundance in all forms.

I’ve developed my own style of working with Family Constellations that I call Movements of the Family Soul. One of the main movements is called interrupted reaching out, which is one that I always work with when there are issues with the flow of abundance. Interrupted reaching out is when the child after it’s born, reaches for the mother, and the mother’s soul reaches for the child, and there is an embrace that allows the child to know they are always loved and supported and allows the receiving channels to remain open if the mother is not present at a soul level because she’s caught up in her own ancestral entanglements, or maybe there was a separation at birth, or there’s not enough of the mother’s soul present, because maybe she suffered some losses, and part of her soul has gone with the lost children, then the child will reach for the mother’s soul, but there’s not enough of the mother’s soul present to meet the embrace, and the child will stop reaching.

This disrupts the flow of abundance because how open are you to receive if you’re not open and reaching and available, the Family Constellation work is so powerful to allow us to honour our ancestral past in a way that frees us from having to carry the burden from the past lives of our ancestors.

NLP also features in my Consciousness Medicine, one-to-one sessions that also include the ancestral work and revising limiting beliefs. And these two, in combination, help change the limits that we have around receiving abundance in all forms, including money, love, relationships, life force, energy and health.

Lakshmi brings together four dimensions of abundance, for example, the holistic approach of material wealth, creating a healthy relationship with money and resources, spiritual growth by connecting with the divine source of abundance, health, and caring for your body and mind as vessels of prosperity. And lastly, harmonious relationships with nourishing and nurturing connections that uplift and sustain you.

Take a moment to reflect on your life in each of these four dimensions, where can you bring in more balance? Or where might you need some help in order to get a broader perspective? Life and look at things from a more holistic approach. Journaling can be a great daily practice, as well as meditating on these different aspects and allowing for clarity to come through to you, another important component of opening the flow of prosperity is gratitude.

What stops many people from feeling gratitude around finances and money is the fear of not having enough, poverty consciousness or a lack mentality. So, shift your focus to gratitude by listing, for example, three specific things that you already have in your life that bring you financial or material comfort, for example, a home, supportive relationships and resources.

Take a moment to thank Lakshmi for her blessings. Thank you, Lakshmi, for the abundance already present in my life, I honour the prosperity and welcome more with gratitude and grace. As you do this, imagine placing a golden lotus at her feet as a symbol of your appreciation. This will help bring balance to the spiritual aspects of abundance to bring forward material wealth, health and harmonious relationships.

You can also express gratitude when you are paying your bills instead of paying them from a place of Oh, my money has to go to this, and I wish I could go buy myself something else. As you pay your bill, find a place of gratitude for what that Bill brought you. Thank you for allowing me to have electricity for the month. Thank you for the heating that keeps me warm and supported. Thank you for the car that I drive. You get the idea when you pay your bills with gratitude. This will bring forward the flow of abundance. I’ve tried this with myself and counselled many clients with this technique.

Try it and see how it works. For you, visualisation is also a really great way to shift energies and open up the flow of financial abundance. For example, imagine Lakshmi pouring golden coins into your hands. The coins represent not just money but opportunities, resources and wealth that flow to you effortlessly. Picture This golden energy filling your heart and spreading throughout your body, energising you with confidence and joy. See this abundance expanding into your life. Imagine bills being paid with ease. Picture new financial opportunities open up.

See yourself sharing your wealth generously with others, creating a cycle of giving and receiving, repeat, silently or aloud, as a mantra: I Am a magnet for financial abundance. Prosperity flows to me with ease and grace. Visualise lacks me smiling and dissolving into golden light, merging with your heart, knowing that her energy lives within you. Say this affirmation: I am abundant. I am worthy of financial prosperity. I trust in the divine flow of wealth. Each morning, practice this simple gratitude exercise, name three blessings in your life, and imagine Lakshmi smiling as she hears your gratitude.

This will help open the gateway to prosperity on all levels of being.

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