Ancestral Archetypes

Archetypes are collective ideals based on standard patterns in the collective consciousness.  They have been used for centuries in the areas of psychology, marketing, art and literature.    The power of archetypes is that they transcend the individual experience creating an unconscious connection, unity and activation around standard personalities, behaviours, and...

Cultivating Clarity

We all have times in our lives when we need to make an important decision or are at a crossroads seeking guidance on how to proceed.  Sometimes the choices are easy when we have a deep knowing or gut feeling about which direction we should go.  But sometimes the way...

Trusting in Uncertainty

Do you sometimes feel lost?  Like you’re navigating life’s journey without a map?  Where it's hard to get clarity to set a goal and move forward.  And your greatest wish is to be able to navigate times of uncertainty in a positive, focused and motivated way?Feeling uncertain can leave us...