
Harmonious Connections

Today’s blog is the next in the Authentic Relating series where I’ve been exploring the components needed to be authentic with yourself and apply that to your relationships.  Today we’ll go more deeply into connecting with needs and the importance of establishing rapport to activate a harmonious connection.  I’ll also guide...

Genuine Embodiment

Today’s episode is the second in the Authentic Relating series where I’m guiding you to break free from your old patterning to be able to access greater authenticity, trust, confidence and compassion in every connection you have.  Today we’ll be exploring how to identify your needs and the importance of...

Authentic Relating

Today’s blog is the first in the Authentic Relating series where I'll explore the key components to creating authentic relationships with yourself and others.  Using NVC (Non-Violent Communication) and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) as inspiration you'll learn how to uncover unmet needs and the associated feelings to make conscious requests from a...