Today’s blog is the next in the Path of Healing Series where I’ve been guiding on ten essential steps for personal growth.  Today I’ll be covering step nine, Rebuild and Grow.  Learn to ground more deeply into the truth of who you are, to embody your life essence deeply to nourish your personal growth on all levels of being.

Key Topics Include:

    • How to appreciate the old patterns of being to move forward to embrace transformation and change.
    • How exploring your deeper fears will help to clear your root chakra to ground into your truth.
    • Grounding practices to install strength, stability and safety to your foundation.
    • The importance of reflecting on your childhood experiences for growth.
    • How to access a positive mindset to stay focused on moving forward.
    • The secret to drawing in new people, places and situations for a harmonious and drama-free life.

If you’ve been following along for the last few weeks, you have weathered the storm of change (well done!) and as the dust settles on your new way of being, it is now it is time to reap your reward. 

If you’re new to the series, you can catch up with the previous blogs.  For now, trust in the wisdom of this episode to guide you in strengthing a healthy foundation so that you can bloom into the fullness of your soul’s calling and purpose in life.   

The 10-step healing path is based on my clinical experience of working with thousands of clients over the last two decades.  While everyone’s path is unique to them, there are some general milestones that people walk through on the way.  It is these milestones I call the Path of Healing. 

Let’s do a quick review of the previous steps before we jump into going more deeply with the next step. 

The path begins with preparation with intention setting for your journey.  Both your present state experience of what you want to let go of and your desired state experience for what you want to create.  This is covered in the Power of Intention.

Once the intention is clear in your heart, build up a strong set of tools for self-care to support you in making deep and lasting change.  This is covered in the Self Care Guide.

Step three begins the releasing process with Detoxify, which allows you to release what isn’t yours from your field to make your personal transformation smooth and effective.  This is covered in Soul Detox.

Release is the next step where you let go of the things that hold you back by finding gratitude and celebration for what you’ve learned.  This is covered in Letting Go.

The magic happens in step five with the transformation phase, which is more of a being than a doing.  With the prep of the previous steps, you’ll sail through this with a tailwind. This is covered in the Transformation Guide which includes a guided meditation to access the Presence of Healing state of Being.

Like any journey, taking time to rest is important, and the next two steps replenish and integrate focus on rebuilding your energy and allowing the change to take hold.  This is covered in Soul Recharge and Integrating Change.

The last episode, Healthy Habits described step eight of the path, giving practices for how to create positive habits and release old ones that no longer serve your greatest good.

Step nine, rebuild and grow, is the step where you allow yourself to build on the new way, using the old as a foundation to support new growth. 

Appreciating the old version of you is super important in moving on from it fully.  When you can understand and fully embrace what you have learned from the old ways of being and appreciate how they served you in the past then the old way of being stabilises and fertilises the ground for the new way of being to emerge. 

Take a moment to reflect on your journey up to this point.  How has an unwanted state that you are releasing brought you greater strength, resilience, and empowerment?

For example, an old fear state that you may want to release is left over from a childhood safety pattern you installed.  Fear of being seen for example helps keep you safe from conflict.  Appreciating this allows for you to drop more deeply into your safety zone, which is associated with the root or base chakra and is essential for grounding our energy and physical bodies.  

Through exploring your deeper fears, you naturally heal, expand and balance your root chakra and clear old childhood conditioning.  This makes space for your current day self to activate your root fully and ground more deeply into your truth.

Grounding practices are perfect for this step in the healing path, as it helps to install strength, stability and safety to your foundation.   Some of my favourite grounding practices are having a mindful walk in nature while staying completely present with the sights, smells, sounds and feelings in every moment.  This means no headphones or conversations that take you out of being fully present with all the senses. 

I also like to listen to chakra frequency music, this time with headphones for the best effect.  Yogic breathing practices like circular breathing and pranayama help to activate a spiritual connection while simultaneously activating deeper embodiment and connection.

Once the transformation has happened, there is a disintegration of the old structure of your body matrix as you rebuild and grow into the new.  Just like a house that falls down when it is old, returning to the earth, your soul self does the same.  The good news is that all the pieces from the wreckage of the previous version of you are fully absorbed into the foundation when you fully appreciate how the past has served the current version of you.

In order to rebuild the new way of being, it is best to check in with your foundation and make any adjustments needed to strengthen, secure and support the aspects of you that will grow from it.  This is the time to dream big and let go of worrying about how you might achieve your goals and simply stay with what your goals are.  What are

It is also an important time to reflect on your experiences of childhood that shaped your previous foundation.  And with the wisdom, presence and intention of a conscious adult add anything that was missing or caused damage.  While also embracing the wonderful aspects of childhood where you were happy, playful and curious.  Many people find journaling helpful for this process where you can release the old in writing and bring forward the new with written intentions.

If you’re not already working with a therapist who can help sort through your past and assist you in releasing old beliefs, energy blockages, emotional triggers and ancestral entanglements then this is a good time to connect with someone, like myself, who can assist in supporting and building a strong new foundation and walk the journey with you in creating the new. 

At this stage in the Healing Path, is it important to put more focus on the desired state intention for what you want to create than you put on talking about the problem states you want to release.  This is because your soul will grow towards the light, exactly like plants do.  And if you don’t supply enough light to reaffirm your goal of creating a healthy, happy and abundant life, then your soul will be unable to grow fully.  If you focus on the problem states too much you starve yourself of that light and this will have the same effect as if you do this to a plant. 

In order to do this, it takes a shift in the paradigm of how you think about healing.  Is your approach to change problem-focused?  Where you have to identify a problem in order to overcome it?  Or is your healing process driven by opening up to receive as much life force energy as possible to access the energy you need to change and grow? 

Where you put your creative attention will dictate your healing path result.  At this stage in the healing path, putting 20% focus on the issue and 80 % focus on what you want to create will be far more useful than the reverse.

As you grow into a new way of being, challenges from echoes of the past may appear and is completely normal.  Rather than thinking about it as self-sabotage, I encourage you to stay with a positive mindset and see it as an opportunity to reinforce your choice of a new way of being while retaining the resources you’ve gained through past difficulties.  This takes time, practice and dedication.  Keep your focus looking forward because that is the direction you are going.

Often as we transition into a new way of being, there may be sparks that fly within ourselves of with others, who got used to our old way of being.  I’ve seen this happen so many times with my clients where they struggle to hold a new way of being because their partner, family, boss, and children have become attached to the old way of being.  This is also very normal and part of the reverb involved in making soul changes. 

As you stay the course with creating, thinking, acting and being from this new way you will gain strength, courage and self-empowerment as the lighter, more harmonious way of being becomes who you are.  Allow any adversity to be an invitation to strengthen your inner knowing of your truth and what you want in life.  As you do this your strengthen the energetic vibration of the new you, which eventually draws to you people, places and situations that are more harmonious and drama-free. 

You can enjoy listening to this article on a Healing Codes Podcast episode by clicking on the link below.


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